You can find here some of my private projects, which I like to share with the community. ON AIR application for Desktop and PlayBook using Adobe AIR.
Also the home of my OpenSource ActionScript Library for
Flash Mobile Device Simulator
AIR Application and ActionScript Library, which allow to use and simulate theMobile Device specific Actionscript API using ADL.
PlayBook Device Simulator
AIR Application and ActionScript Library, which allow to use and simulate theBlackberry PlayBook specific Actionscript API using ADL.
Spark Slider with Track Highlight
Flex 4 Spark Slider components with Track Highlight like Flex 3 MX Slider componentsActionScript3 Library for Yahoo! PlaceFinder
The ActionScrtipt3 Library implements the Yahoo PlaceFInder Webservice API
Strobe Media Playback for Adobe Web Experience Management
The component provides the Strobe Media Playback for Adobe Web Experience Management