Posts Tagged ‘3D’

Incubator Version of Flash Player 11 supporting 3D “Molehill” API and compatible 3D Frameworks released!

Monday, February 28th, 2011

On time for Flash Game Summit in San Fransisco today, Adobe started a new Incubator Programm for the Flash Platform and released the first public incubator version of the Flash Player 11 supporting the 3D Molehill API. It’s available for download on Adobe Labs.

Adobe’s Product Manager for the Flash Runtimes Thibault Imbert blogged about the features of Molehill and how they will change the web. 😉 You will find an overview of frameworks supporting Mlehill.

Away3D published the first public alpha build of version 4.0 (codename Brommstick) supporting Molehill.

The video below shows a water simulation with 80,000 triangles, which were rendered on the GPU and manipulated on the CPU.

To create cool 3D Games, you also need physics engine. 3D Physics Engine Jiglibflash released a new version today, which support Away3D 4.0 “Brommstick”.

Another big announcement came from Unity today. They announced the support of Flash Player as runtime using Molehill. After a successful investigation of the new Flash Player capabilities, they are moving into full production. Flash Player will be an additional output for the web to their own Web Player.

There are also some demos of Molehill available online:

Away3D 4.0 Brommstick:

Zombie Tycoon from Frima Studio :

Quake3 Map from Minko:

If you want to start playing with Molehill take a look on the blog post of Tinic Uro from Adobe. There is a sample availbale for download.